Correcting Power Imbalances: Strategies for Collective Resilience

The revelations that opened my eyes to the flaws in our modern government. Insights into the pervasive power dynamics and strategies to build resilient, supportive communities.

During my college years in Texas, I immersed myself in philosophy and political science classes. I spent countless hours reading, writing, and engaging in deep discussions about ethics, logic, and political structures. We talked endlessly about the philosophical foundations of our modern government. I wanted to understand the minds of the founders who created the frameworks we see today. This journey led me to explore how correcting power imbalances and fostering community resilience are essential for creating a more equitable society. In this blog post, let’s look into correcting power imbalances and community: strategies for resilience.

At the beginning of my college career, I naively believed that the atrocities and widespread suffering were the result of a few bad individuals making poor decisions. However, a stark realization soon hit me: the philosophical underpinnings of our government were deeply flawed. They are driven by a philosophy of power and domination at the expense of ethical considerations and the well-being of others.

This repeating lesson in my life set me on a path to understand and confront these dynamics. Ultimately, I aim to share these strategies for resilience and protection with my friends.

The Unforgettable Lesson

Throughout my classes, I initially thought the materials we were studying were lessons on what not to do. However, I soon realized they were presenting a guidebook on how things operate.

One particular incident stands out in my memory. During a philosophy of political science class, I often tried to highlight the unethical practices underlying the current systems that we were reading about. I found it odd that these blatantly unethical practices were part of the curriculum for understanding the philosophy of politics.

One day, while I was again proclaiming that the text we were studying was fundamentally unethical. A classmate who had never spoken up before suddenly interjected, “That’s just how it is. We won, and you lost!”

His statement left me speechless. To him, the countless lives lost and the widespread suffering caused by the quest for power and dominance were merely part of a game. A game he believed his side had won. He even asserted that since they “won” this game, their terrifying actions were justified. He attempted to justify the genocides and the continued oppression of innumerable innocent people worldwide.

The majority of people worldwide never wanted to participate in this game of domination. Unfortunately, many who tried to avoid it paid with their lives.

Again, I was faced with a harsh reality. The political and philosophical framework that viewed power as a prize justified by any means necessary was deeply embedded in the laws, systems, and media in the U.S. It became integral to the culture, seeping into our communities, families, and psyches. As a result, many people, including myself and those I love, perpetuated harm among themselves, sometimes unknowingly. Finding ways to repair harm and resist further damage to ourselves and our community became increasingly challenging.

Recognizing the Reality of Power Dynamics

This encounter forced me to confront an uncomfortable truth. Many individuals do not consider ethics or morality in their pursuit of power. For many, causing harm is a means to an end, a way to consolidate control and influence. This realization was both disheartening and eye-opening, highlighting the need to prepare ourselves to navigate a world where such attitudes prevail.

It became clear that this philosophy of life was ingrained in our media, laws, and societal structures. It became almost inescapable. Everywhere I turned, I saw people forego ethics in pursuit of power. As a result, almost all of the people I love end up repeatedly causing harm to each other and themselves. We also were never equipped with any tools to repair harm and build community. Building resilient communities and fighting for our autonomy has become more challenging than ever.

Sharing Strategies for Protection and Resilience

My blog serves as a platform to share the strategies and lessons I’ve learned in preparing to protect myself and my communities. In a previous post, I discussed the concept of “game theory”. In this blog, we explored whether it is better to forgive harm or seek retaliation. We concluded that a “forgiving tit-for-tat” strategy often yields the best outcomes—being forgiving but ready to retaliate if harm persists.

I also highlighted the importance of considering the power imbalance between individuals and government structures. Despite this power imbalance, there are ways to build more resilient communities. I have shared some thoughts and strategies that have proven effective in fostering strength and unity even in the face of such challenges.

Read more here: The Ethics of Retaliation: Forgive or Seek Revenge? (May 5, 2024)

Empowering Ourselves and Our Communities

Understanding the presence of harmful power dynamics and the dangers that exist all around me led me to focus on resilience. I often reflect on the importance of being able to physically and mentally defend myself and my loved ones. We all contribute to our communities in various ways. For those who can, taking on the role of protector and provider is crucial.

Not everyone needs to fulfill this role of protector or provider. There are many different ways that we contribute to our communities, some of which have nothing to do with physical ability. For those who find the role of protector and/or provider fitting, I hope the insights I share in my blog provide valuable strategies. I hope to build the resilience necessary to stand up to the pervasive culture of violence.

Health and Wellness: Beyond Physical Indicators

Health is Not an Indicator of Worth

Understanding harmful power dynamics and striving for personal and communal resilience extends into the realm of health and wellness. A vital conversation often missing in this space is the notion that health is not an indicator of worth. If you are healthy, that’s wonderful—use that advantage to help yourself and others. If you face health challenges, your life is equally valuable.

Diverse Ways to Protect and Provide

Physical and mental health are not always interrelated, and one is not an indicator of the other. There are various ways to protect and provide for your community that don’t require physical size or health. You don’t have to be skinny, healthy, or athletic to be worthy of community care. Those characteristics are also not required to play a crucial role in our collective resistance against harm. Everyone has a place in our efforts to build resilient communities, regardless of physical or mental condition.

By embracing this understanding, we ensure that our approach to health and wellness supports everyone in our community. We can stand strong together against the challenges we face.

Worth Beyond Abilities

When we talk about health and fitness and community resistance strategies, it’s crucial to highlight that no one’s worth is based on their physical or mental abilities. It’s crucial to understand that everyone is just one moment away from disability. We also all know and love people who don’t share the same physical or mental capabilities that we do. For me, it’s an honor to provide for and protect myself and my loved ones, and it’s a commitment I take seriously.

Being able to focus on my physical health is a privilege made possible by the support and care of my loved ones. Protecting and providing for them is not only my way of contributing to our collective resilience but also a way to repay them for the countless ways they support me.

By recognizing that everyone’s contributions are valuable, regardless of their physical or mental condition, we can build stronger, more inclusive communities. This understanding ties into the broader themes of resilience and empowerment that I’ve discussed, reinforcing the idea that every individual has a role to play in our collective resistance against harm.

Our different strengths play a key role in combatting the power imbalance we have with these powerful systems, which don’t have our best interests in mind.

Preparing for Challenges as Providers and Protectors

Time and again, I have encountered people who seek to gain power or dominate others. This harsh reality has led me down a path of learning self-defense, understanding how to use weapons, and pushing my physical and mental boundaries to always be prepared for any situation that may arise.

Commitment to Protection

Although I know I will not always be able to protect others, I gladly take on the challenge of doing my best. Every day, I work hard to become a better protector and provider for the people I love. And as I’ve come to learn, whenever I do my best, my best is pretty damn good! The strategies I write about in this blog are ones that have proven effective for me and continue to guide my journey.

Action Items for Becoming a Better Protector and Provider

In previous blog posts, I have shared the methods that help me stay focused and prepared to protect and provide for myself and my loved ones to the best of my ability. Here are some of the main tactics I want to highlight again:

Scheduling and Time Management

Effective scheduling and time management are crucial for balancing the various aspects of personal development and community involvement.

Routine Learning and Physical Activity

Continuous learning and regular physical activity keep both the mind and body sharp, enabling me to respond effectively to challenges.

Building Community

Fostering strong, supportive relationships within the community is essential for mutual protection and resilience. Also, taking the time to study communication skills and ways to repair harm is the groundwork I do to begin building a strong community.

Martial Arts Practice and Weapons Training

Practicing martial arts and training with weapons enhance my ability to defend myself and others in critical situations.


Prioritizing rest and recovery is vital for maintaining overall well-being and ensuring that I can continue to protect and provide effectively.

Read more about my experiences with these topics here:

The Steps To A New Life – Gait, Posture, and Mental Health (April 18, 2024)

Crafting a New Life: Strategies for Cultivating Purpose and Autonomy (April 1, 2024)

What Do You Need To Know To Have A Happy, Purposeful, and Fulfilling Life? (January 1, 2024)

The Art And Science Of Discipline, Resistance, And Pleasure (October 15, 2023)

The Ultimate Wellness Journey and Navigating Toxic Gym and Diet Culture in America (October 29, 2023)


Causing harm as a means to gain power is the pervasive culture in America. Through years of violence and miseducation that glorifies violence and power at the expense of ethics, we are facing a monumental challenge when trying to build communities, repair harm, and combat the power imbalance that’s been created.

Throughout my journey, I’ve learned that while forgiveness is important, sometimes retaliation is necessary to avoid being taken advantage of—a concept supported by “game theory.” Recognizing this imbalance, we must harness our diverse strengths to build collective power and resist those who seek to dominate.

As we develop strategies for resilience, we must each use our unique strengths to build a strong, supportive community. By doing so, we can defend ourselves from harm and become more resilient, preventing the power imbalance from continuing to cause harm.

How This Applies to The Health and Fitness Industry

Health and fitness are often glorified as life’s ultimate goal, but the reality is that our health is precarious. We are all just moments away from disability, and many of us know and love someone with a disability whose life and contributions are just as valuable as our own.

My role as a protector and provider, supported by my physical and mental strength, is just one aspect of our collective resilience. This blog shares the lessons I’ve learned and highlights the vital contributions of others, regardless of their physical abilities.

By valuing everyone’s contributions and fostering a culture of mutual care, we can build a stronger, more inclusive society. Together, through continuous learning, preparedness, and unity, we can face challenges head-on and create a healthier, happier, and more ethical world. Let’s stand resilient and empowered, ready to build the future we envision.

As we continue to bear witness to various atrocities around the world, take a minute to donate what you can and spread the word to help those being harmed. You can start here: Urgent Evacuation-Journalist Ahmad Ghanim & Family

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