From Chaos to Cohesion: The Power of Organized Living

California Dreaming & Cluttered Realities

During my college years, I was constantly on the move. From one apartment to another, and then a big leap to sunny California right after graduation.

Picture this: a young, ambitious soul, my trusty cat by my side, and a Toyota Camry packed to the brim with only the essentials. That was me, setting out on a new adventure, leaving behind familiar grounds for the golden horizons of California. The journey was thrilling, but by the time I settled into my second Californian apartment, a realization hit me. Despite the limited possessions I started with, I had somehow amassed a mountain of stuff. Yet, my space felt disjointed, my wardrobe mismatched, and I found myself drowning in maintenance for things I wasn’t even passionate about. I started to make a change.

Systems for simplicity

Enter Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix. It was like a lightbulb moment! The principles she shared resonated deeply, echoing the systems I was instinctively building for myself. It wasn’t just about decluttering; it was about creating spaces that spark joy, align with our values, and simplify our lives.

Inspired and equipped with newfound knowledge, my path led me back to Texas. Teaming up with the incredible crew at Jo Organizing, I embarked on a mission to transform homes and lives. We didn’t just rearrange furniture or declutter closets; we crafted systems, tailored to individual needs, that breathed life and purpose into spaces. The transformations were profound. Homes became sanctuaries, and our clients? They rediscovered the joy of living in harmony with their surroundings.

Embracing Marie Kondo’s Principles

During these transitions that I had an epiphany. In my daily life, I only interacted with a fraction of my belongings. Holding onto items that didn’t serve a purpose or bring joy was the real waste. While I wouldn’t label myself a minimalist, the essence of having less and cherishing more resonated deeply.

Marie Kondo’s “Tidying Up” introduced the world to a transformative approach to decluttering. Here are five principles from her book that deeply resonated with my personal philosophy:

1. Commit Yourself to tidying up

Kondo emphasizes making tidying an event, not a daily chore.

2. imagine your ideal lifestyle

Marie talks about the principle of curating your space to align with your ideal life.

3. Finish discarding first

Before organizing, Kondo suggests decluttering. She introduces the concept of letting go of things that no longer bring you value or joy.

4. Tidy by Category, not location

This method was crucial when I tackled my wardrobe, focusing on items rather than spaces.

Books and Wardrobe: My First Steps

I began with books, limiting myself to ten cherished titles. Then came the daunting task of decluttering my wardrobe. As someone who adores fashion, this was no small feat. I knew it would get emotional, so I did it after I completed decluttering and organizing my books.

Setting parameters, like having 2-3 items in each category in my favorite colors, made the process more manageable. This exercise taught me the value of quality over quantity and the joy of curating a wardrobe that truly reflected my style.

The Transformative Power of Organization

The effects of this organizational overhaul were profound. Today, my living space is a reflection of my essence. Every item, be it clothing or personal products, is something I genuinely love and use. The spaces around me are not just functional but aesthetically pleasing, creating an ambiance of luxury and comfort.

Routine and ADHD

Having ADHD means I thrive on routine. The organization has minimized daily decision-making, allowing me to focus on what truly matters. Each item has its designated spot, making my daily routine smooth and efficient.

Action Items for a Clutter-Free Life

Ready to embark on your organizational journey? Here are some steps to get you started:

Start Small

Begin with one area of your house. If it’s filled with items, break it down further. Tackle one drawer or shelf at a time.

Seek Support

It can be an emotional journey. Consider doing it with a close friend for both physical and emotional support.

Professional help

If you’re in the Dallas Fort Worth or the Provo – Salt Lake City, UT area, consider reaching out to Johamy at Jo Organizing. She’s not just an organizer; she’s a life-changer. With immense patience and kindness, she’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your space reflects your essence. If you’re not in either of these areas, seek out a professional organizer near you!

Automate Where Possible

Use technology to your advantage. Create a yearly de-cluttering calendar to schedule decluttering regularly, use apps to track items, or invest in smart storage solutions that make organization seamless.

Work with your natural tendencies

Ever noticed that one corner where shoes or clothes consistently end up? Instead of fighting the habit, place a basket there. It’s a simple way to maintain order while accommodating your natural inclinations. Designate similar zones throughout your living space and commit to decluttering them weekly or bi-weekly. These designated spots can effortlessly streamline your tidying routine!

In essence, organization isn’t just about decluttering; it’s about curating a life that aligns with your core values. It’s about creating an environment where you can thrive, mentally and emotionally. You can embark on this transformative journey. It’s not about having less; it’s about making room for more of what truly matters. Whether you take this journey alone or with support, the end goal is a space that brings you peace, joy, and clarity.

Learn more about Marie Kondo and her organizational theory in her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

Also, learn about her method on her YouTube Channel here:

Read more about me and my personal philosophy on this about me page or one of my previous blog posts below!

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