Breathe Life into Your Health & Fitness with Diaphragmatic Breathing

The musculoskeletal system benefits from practicing diaphragmatic breathing, including the pelvic floor, diaphragm, and all the main muscles attached to those two muscles.

My journey into fitness began at the age of 14, with an old yoga tape my mom owned. As a teenager, I was fascinated by the concept of conscious breathing. Over the years, my passion for physical fitness grew, and I explored numerous hobbies, from yoga to weightlifting. Then, I faced an injury that led me to a physical therapist, who introduced me to the magic of resistance training and mobility. The pain relief was life-changing, and I became obsessed with understanding the human body to improve my overall fitness and all roads led me to understanding the impact of diaphragmatic breathing.

I pursued biology, physiology, and anatomy courses, shadowed amazing physical therapists, and followed brilliant PTs on Instagram. Through these experiences, I discovered the one fundamental practice that tied everything together – diaphragmatic breathing.

Here are five incredible benefits of diaphragmatic breathing, along with an easy way to practice it daily:

  1. Reduced stress and anxiety:

    Diaphragmatic breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn, calms the body and mind. By practicing this technique, you’ll experience a more relaxed state, better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

  2. Improved posture:

    Proper breathing engages the core muscles, which support your spine and improve overall posture. A better posture helps prevent aches and pains, allowing you to move with confidence and grace.

  3. Enhanced athletic performance:

    Diaphragmatic breathing allows for more efficient oxygen exchange, providing your muscles with the oxygen they need during intense physical activity. This results in improved endurance and better performance in your favorite sports or workouts.

  4. Increased lung capacity:

    By engaging your diaphragm, you’ll fully utilize your lungs, increasing their capacity and promoting optimal oxygenation of your body. With practice, you’ll feel more energized and less fatigued throughout the day.

  5. Strong, healthy pelvic floor:

    Diaphragmatic breathing supports the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is essential for everyone’s overall health. A healthy pelvic floor can prevent incontinence, improve sexual function, and reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse.
Now, let’s address two common challenges when practicing diaphragmatic breathing:

Challenge 1: Maintaining proper form

Regular practice and guidance from a qualified professional can help you perfect your technique, ensuring you’re reaping all the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing.

Challenge 2: Overcoming self-consciousness

Begin practicing in a comfortable, private space, and gradually incorporate diaphragmatic breathing into your daily routine. Remember, it’s a skill that will improve over time and serve you well in various aspects of life.

Mastering the art of breathing can truly revolutionize your health, fitness, and overall well-being. Subscribe to my blog for more expert tips and insights on health and fitness! If you’re ready to dive deeper into diaphragmatic breathing, schedule a one-on-one consultation with me, or invite me to speak at your business. Together, we’ll develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals and live your best life. Don’t wait another moment – embrace the power of diaphragmatic breathing and experience the incredible impact it can have on your life!

Follow these Instagram accounts to learn more about physical therapy, breathing, your body, and all things movement!

Dr. Jen Fraboni
Dr. Janelle Howell

Incorporate this practice into your daily routine! Learn more about the benefits of making a schedule and adding this practice to it, here.






2 responses to “Breathe Life into Your Health & Fitness with Diaphragmatic Breathing”

  1. best gold ira Avatar

    Don’t ever quit reaching. Succeed!

  2. msangelaq Avatar

    Absolutely! Thank you for the comment.

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